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Scholarship of Recognition
Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund
The Class of 1973 has generously created a scholarship in honor of their graduating class.
The scholarship fund will be used to help students attend RC that otherwise would not be able to afford the tuition at Roselle Catholic.
Green, Gold, & White Scholarship (GCHS Alumnae)
A Girls Catholic sponsored scholarship that helps finance the tuition of a female student, currently a member of the student body, who is in need of financial aide to be able to continue to attend Roselle Catholic.
Patrick Hagan Scholarship
RC Legend, Pat Hagan began his 44 year history with Roselle Catholic High School as a freshman in 1967.
From 1975, when Hagan joined RC faculty he held many positions including teacher, department chair, coach & administrator through a time period that encompasses almost 80% of RC’s operating history.
Although Vice Principal his last several years at RC, Hagan was most famously known as RC’s Varsity Basketball Head Coach. During his 27 coaching years, he earned over 300 victories and more importantly a reputation for honesty and integrity.
Hagan literally embodies all that is good about Roselle Catholic. His treatment of every student on or off the court was always firm but fair, motivated by a genuine desire to make everyone’s life a little better every day.
Dr. Bob Stickles Scholarship
As a part of their 50th reunion celebration, a few of Bob’s classmates decided to pay a well deserved tribute to one of their own.
Dr. Robert Stickles, RC class of 1966, was the first graduate to become Principal & President. Since his retirement, he is still actively connected as President Emeritus and a member of the Board’s Development & Alumni Relations committee.
Stickles’ many great contributions to RC include helping the school navigate through some difficult financial times. To honor Bob’s prior and continued contributions to RC, the Bob Stickles Scholarship - a tuition-aid fund in Bob’s name for incoming freshman - was established recognizing his efforts and commitment to boosting the school’s enrollment.
Founding Families Scholarship Fund
The Founding Families Scholarship Fund provides tuition assistance to a deserving student in need of financial aid and can be given in the name of someone you wish to pay tribute.
Student Family Partnership
Give the Greatest Gift of All: a Roselle Catholic Education
They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery and it is in that vein that Roselle Catholic High School would like to introduce the Student Family Partnership. Borrowing from the very successful Founding Families Scholarship Fund of the past and the Student Partner Alliance of the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children. This new program of ours will allow families the opportunity to truly partner with a student as they choose to attend RC and continue that partnership throughout the student’s four years.
Families that are generous enough to partner with an incoming freshman student will be kept updated on the student’s progress both in and out of the classroom as the child enjoys the full RC Experience. Regular grade updates, as well as invitations to extra-curricular activities that a student is involved with, are some of the ways families will be able to be involved in their student’s progress.
Each year countless students with exceptional academic backgrounds that have a desire to attend RC are unable to because they cannot afford our $12,750 tuition. We are also not allowed to give unfunded discounts to students, meaning we have to raise every dollar that we give away in tuition aid.
We believe the Student Family Partnership will be a great way for us to provide families of potential incoming freshmen the opportunity to select RC for their child’s education. For many of these families and children, this will literally be a dream come true.
Michael and
Mary Cerra "Max" Scholarship
Parents of Special Needs children often face larger than normal out of pocket expenses to obtain professional help to diagnose and aid in the journey their child faces.
These additional financial burdens may greatly impact their ability to send their child to Roselle Catholic.
Ironically, for many Special Needs children, Roselle Catholic may be an excellent fit for their high school education. Unlike the highly focused schools they may consider attending, Roselle Catholic offers a full high school experience, including a diverse student body, participation in inter-scholastic athletics, and academics that challenge their abilities. But Roselle Catholic offers something unique to some Special Needs students. The campus, built to educate 1200 students in the early 1960’s, now provides a relatively uncrowded, calm environment that is useful for students that have sensory overload or concentration issues. As parents of a special need student who attended Roselle Catholic, we became aware of this under-appreciated virtue of Roselle Catholic, and hope to build financial support for it from the Alumni base.
This (scholarship/financial aid/giving opportunity) is specifically designed to aid the families in need of financial support for their Special Need student’s education at Roselle Catholic.
If preferred, send any checks to:
Roselle Catholic High School
Attn: Office of Development
350 Raritan Road
Roselle, NJ 07203
Donating stocks and securities can also allow you to continue the Roselle Catholic tradition. Please contact Gerry O'Connor, Director of Development,, or call (908) 245-2350 x1170 for further information.
Please remember that many companies will match their employees' gifts to educational and other non-profits on a 1:1 basis. Donors can go to their Human Resources Department and request a matching gift form to send along with a donation to the Pride of The Lions Fund to Roselle Catholic.