College Application Process
Roselle Catholic High School
College Board Code: 311328
Below are a number of helpful resources for the college application process.
Naviance Family Connection
Access student and family Naviance accounts
College Board
Register for the SAT, SAT subject tests and send SAT scores
Register for the ACT and send ACT scores
Fast Web
Scholarship Research Website
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Early Action: Nov 1
Deadline: Dec 1
Early Action: Nov 1
Deadline: Jan 1
Priority: Dec 1
Deadline: Mar 1
Early: Nov 15
Deadline: Feb 1
Priority: Nov 1
Deadline: Jan 1
• College representatives regularly visit to showcase their school and speak with students.
• College visits will be announced during morning homeroom and posted on Naviance, with visits taking place in the cafeteria during the lunch period.
• It is important for students to meet and make a connection with these college representatives during the application process. Personal relationships are KEY to success in all aspects of life.
• Complete all college applications online. Create an account at the college website or through Common App and access it as often as necessary until you are finished with your application. When you are satisfied, submit it. If more than one school accepts the Common Application, we suggest you use Common App to apply.
• There is usually provision for paying for the application fee online by credit card.
College Essays
The college essay is an integral piece of the college application process; therefore, students should work diligently on their college essays.
Students should also allow someone such as their guidance counselor or English teacher to read the essay. Read the essay that got this student into five Ivy League schools.
All documents are to be sent through Naviance eDocs for all Common Application schools and schools that use eDocs. If a school does not accept eDocs; notify your counselor and add that school to your list in Naviance.
Please submit requests for recommendations to teachers via Naviance. Your teachers and counselors will provide recommendations electronically in response to your requests. Please verify with your recommending teacher and your counselor that they have received your electronic transcript and recommendation request.
• Submit a Transcript Request Form to your counselor for every school you apply to.
• Please submit online transcript requests through Naviance in addition to the Transcript Request Form.
• Common Application Forms will be sent electronically.
• All transcripts will be sent via Naviance.
• There will be a transcript fee of $5.00 per transcript.
• All fees must be submitted with your Transcript Request Form.
• Send SAT scores ( and ACT scores ( directly from the testing website.
• VERY IMPORTANT: This is the only way for colleges to receive your official SAT or ACT scores. Roselle Catholic does not mail or fax official scores. They MUST be sent by the testing company. It may take several weeks for scores to arrive and most colleges will not accept rushed scores.
• College Board Code: 311328