A Guide to Roselle Catholic Procedures for the Uniforms, Polo Shirts, Physical Education Uniforms & Locks, Online Bookstore
The following items should be purchased over the summer in order for the student to be prepared for school in September.
School Uniform:
The required components of the school uniform
be purchased from FlynnO’Hara. This is the only place from which the RC pants and skirts can be ordered. FlynnO’Hara also offers options of an RC fleece sweatshirt, a sweater vest, and a cardigan, but those pieces are not mandatory. Please note that stretch-material pants are not allowed.
FlynnO’Hara uniform pants are acceptable. Click
here to go to FlynnO’Hara’s website.
The required socks (solid color knee socks
for girls;
dress socks
for boys);
shoes in black or brown (NO sneakers, boots, work boots, UGGs, slippers, etc. are allowed);
of your choice; and
shirts/blouses (long- or short-sleeve, in blue or white) can be purchased from anywhere.
Polo Shirts:
Roselle Catholic polo shirts are optional; students can wear the shirt/blouse (and tie, for boys) all year, if they choose. The polo shirts can be worn instead of the shirt and the tie during the Autumn and the Spring. Administration announces when students must change to the shirt and tie.
The polo shirts are available in green and white. They must be purchased through a link that will appear on rosellecatholic.org, under the “For Students/Parents” tab. Please note the deadline of August 9, 2024! When the order arrives, students will be called down to the Bookstore. If any extra shirts are available, they can be purchased at the in-school Bookstore (located across from the front doors), but availability is not guaranteed.
RC Sweatshirts:
RC sweatshirts/hoodies are available in the in-school Bookstore, which is open before and after schoool. At the Administration’s discretion, they can be worn over the RC required uniform. However, the uniform must always be worn underneath. Additionally, only official RC sweatshirts may be worn.
Physical Education Uniforms and Locks:
Physical Education uniforms are required for all freshman and sophomores taking the class, and consist of two parts, a tank and shorts. The uniform is to be purchased through the link that is found under the tab “For Students/Parents,” which is on rosellecatholic.org. Please note the deadline of August 11, 2024!
At the same time that the physical education order is placed, locks must be ordered. Students must have an RC lock for their regular locker and an RC lock for their physical education locker. Sophomores who already have RC locks from freshman year do not have to buy the locks again. Payment is made online. This is the ONLY way to purchase the uniform and locks. The uniform and locks will be distributed in September.
The uniform must be ordered in August. The Bookstore has some uniforms available for upperclassmen who need them, but all freshmen and sophomores must buy the uniform and the locks online.
A t-shirt should be worn under the tank. The t-shirt and the required socks and sneakers can be purchased anywhere.
Online Bookstore for Books: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!
A. When students receive their schedules for September, they will also receive a list of required books. These books should be purchased online here. Please note that there IS a required student id code needed to purchase books from https://bnck-12.com/roselle. That code is 07203.
B. Please note: Only the classes that require that students purchase books will be listed on the online bookstore website. Also, “CP” means “College Preparatory” and is the standard class.
C. Any other supplies (art supplies, calculators, notebooks, etc.) will be announced by the teachers on the first day of school in September.
Summer Reading Books must be read before September. The list of required books is on rosellecatholic.org under the “For Students/Parents” tab. The books can be borrowed from a library or purchased at a store of your choice. Tests are administered in early September.
In sum:
- Uniform = FlynnO'Hara = purchased online or in person at store; required shirt, shoes, socks are bought at a store of your choice
- Polos = optional = ordered online at rosellecatholic.org, under “For Students/Parents” tab; deadline applies
- Shoes, sneakers for physical education, socks, ties = your choice of place of purchase
- Physical Education Uniform and Locks = ordered online at rosellecatholic.org, under “For Students/Parents” tab; deadline applies
- Books = online at https://bnck-12.com/roselle; books must be purchased before school starts; use code 07203
Questions? Email mkschumacher@rosellecatholic.org
Thank you, Mary K. Schumacher