SAT Prep Course
The SAT is a test developed and administered by The College Board which many colleges use as one criterion in admissions decisions. A student's performance on the SAT is, therefore, an important factor in determining the scope of his/her college options. That performance can be enhanced by a good test preparation experience.
To insure that all our students have access to such an experience, Roselle Catholic conducts its own SAT test prep course, which all our Juniors take during the one week immediately preceding the June administration of the SAT. Over those ten school days, our Juniors spend the entire day in test prep classes organized and conducted by our faculty, classes that cover both content and test-taking strategies. We use materials supplied by The College Board itself, which include two full scale practice SAT tests, for which students receive computer generated question-by-question analysis; this analysis permits them to identify their particular strengths and weaknesses, and thus helps them better prepare for the exam itself.
As most of our Juniors take the SAT in March, before our test prep program, and then again in June, immediately after the program, we are in a unique position to assess our program's effectiveness. We see every year that almost all of our students show solid improvement from March to June, with some of them enjoying an increase of hundreds of points.
Our SAT prep course, which we offer at no cost to the student, has been, and will continue to be, an important part of the Roselle Catholic experience.