Roselle Catholic High School

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Local 8th Graders Win Their Coveted Awards!

2018 Scholastic Olympics

The students of Holy Trinity pose with their 1st place awards! Congratulations!

The spotlight was on Roselle Catholic on October 24th, 2018 with the annual Scholastic Olympics! This past competition, schools from around the Archdiocese of Newark sent their most promising 8th graders to take various exams for a chance to place in the top 3 rank. Tests covered a broad spectrum of subjects and events, such as math, English, religion, current events, and many more. What was different from recent years, however, is the integration of RC’s Chromebook technology in the test taking process. With the Chromebooks, the students could simultaneously do their work and get an exciting taste of an average day for a high school student. Winning a place in this friendly competition gains the student thrilling recognition and pride for a job well done, along with a scholarship to RC; triumphant schools win a massive trophy and the recognition that their hard work has paid off!